Head and Neck Conditions Treatments



Facet Injection


● Neck Pain● Interventional Headaches


● Back Pain● Spinal Arthritis

Facet injection is a minimally invasive treatment that delivers pain-relieving medicine directly to the facet joints in the spine. The procedure involves inserting a needle into the joint and injecting anesthetic, steroidal medicine, or both into the tissue adjacent to the nerve root. 
Pain relief may be experienced immediately following the injection and can last for up to several months. This makes Facet injection an attractive and effective solution for those who suffer from chronic pain in the back and neck areas. 
Our Facent Injections also include C0-C1 and C1-C2.

  • More About Facet Injections

    The procedure is minimally invasive and can be done in a doctor's office or outpatient clinic. Potential side effects are rare and typically minor in nature. Pain relief from facet injection can help to improve mobility, reduce inflammation, and provide lasting relief from chronic pain conditions. 
    Facet injection offers an excellent solution for those seeking safe and effective pain relief.

Radiofrequency Ablation

Radiofrequency ablation is a minimally invasive procedure used to reduce pain and improve mobility by delivering electrical energy through a needle-like electrode to precisely target specific nerves. This procedure can be used as a solution for chronic pain conditions such as lower back or neck pain, nerve damage, arthritis, and fibromyalgia.

By delivering a burst of electrical energy, the nerve is ablated or destroyed in the affected area. Pain signals from the nerves are no longer able to reach the brain and the sensation of pain is relieved. The results are usually long-term, with some patients reporting relief for up to several years after their treatment.

  • More About Radiofrequency Ablation

    RFA is a safe and effective procedure with minimal risk of side effects. The procedure is typically done under local anesthesia, so patients experience little to no pain or discomfort during treatment. Patients usually experience temporary relief within hours after the procedure and long-term relief within a few weeks.



● Degenerative Disc Disease

A discogram is a diagnostic procedure used to identify the cause of back pain. Pain specialists use this test to evaluate the condition of spinal discs and determine if they are a source of your pain. The goal of this procedure is to help diagnose and provide solutions for chronic back pain. Pain relief options can include physical therapy, medications, injections or surgery.

By inserting a needle into the spinal discs, doctors are able to inject a contrast dye which allows them to diagnose disc degeneration, tears or abnormal motion. Pain specialists will use this information to determine what kind of treatment would be most effective for your pain. 

  • More About Discogram

    The whole procedure usually takes under an hour and can provide valuable insight into the cause of your chronic back pain. Pain specialists can then use this insight to develop a tailored treatment plan that offers long-term solutions. 
    If you are experiencing persistent back pain, discuss the possibility of a discogram with your doctor to determine if it is an appropriate solution for your condition. Pain relief options can include physical therapy, medications, injections or surgery. A discogram can help provide the answers you need to find the most effective pain solutions for your body. 

Spinal Cord Stimulator


● Diabetic Neuropathy● Post-Laminectomy Syndrome● Hip Pain● Knee Pain

A spinal cord stimulator (SCS) is a device used to treat chronic pain. It sends electrical signals to the brain, which can disrupt and reduce pain signals sent from the body. SCS may be an effective pain solution for those who have not responded well to other treatments, such as surgery or medications.
It is implanted through a small incision in the back and connected to electrodes that are placed near the spinal cord. SCS can be used to treat a variety of pain conditions, including chronic back or neck pain, nerve damage, failed back surgery syndrome, and even complex regional pain syndrome. 

  • More About Spinal Cord Stimulator

    The implantation of an SCS requires careful planning and attention to detail. Patients are typically evaluated by a team of doctors that includes an interventional pain management doctor, neurosurgeon, and neurologist. This process helps ensure that the patient is a good candidate for SCS and it will be successful in reducing their pain.

Intrathecal Pump Placement


● Degenerative Disc Disease● Nerve Pain● Complex Regional Pain Syndrome● Radiculopathy


● Post-Laminectomy Syndrome

Intrathecal Pump Placement is a minimally invasive procedure that is used to deliver medication directly into the cerebrospinal fluid surrounding the spinal cord for long-term pain management. This type of therapy offers many advantages over traditional oral or injectable methods, and has become increasingly popular as an effective way to manage chronic pain conditions.

The procedure involves surgically implanting a pump into the abdomen, which is then connected to a catheter that threads through the spinal canal and delivers medication directly to the affected area. 

  • More About Intrathecal Pump Placement

    This targeted approach allows for more precise dosing of drugs than traditional methods, and can provide lasting relief from chronic pain. Intrathecal Pump Placement also offers the added benefit of reducing opioid use, as well as reducing potential side effects associated with long-term medication use.

    The procedure is typically performed under general anesthesia and takes about an hour to complete. Pain relief can vary depending on the severity of the condition being treated, but most people report significant improvements in their symptoms after a few weeks.

    If you are looking for solutions to improve your quality of life and manage chronic pain conditions, consult with us today.

Trigger Point Injections


● Interventional Headaches (Chronic Headaches)

Trigger Point Injections are a popular form of physical therapy used to provide pain relief. These injections utilize a specific concentration of anesthetics and corticosteroids which is injected into areas of the body that are experiencing muscle tenderness, tightness, or spasms caused by trigger points.

Trigger points are small knots in the fascia, a type of connective tissue, that can cause pain and dysfunction to other areas of the body. By injecting a solution into these trigger points, it helps to break up adhesions in the fascia while also reducing inflammation and relaxing muscle tension. This can provide much needed relief from chronic or acute pain that may be caused by various activities such as sports-related injuries, overuse syndromes, or degenerative joint and muscular diseases. 

  • More About Trigger Point Injections

    Pain solutions such as Trigger Point Injections may also be useful for treating chronic headaches, neck pain, back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and other musculoskeletal conditions. Ultimately, Trigger Point Injections provide an effective form of pain management to help individuals achieve their desired level of physical function and activity.

CT Guided Biopsy


● Neck Pain

CT-guided biopsy is a minimally invasive procedure used to diagnose or treat medical conditions, such as cancer or other disorders that require a tissue sample for testing. During this procedure, a thin needle is placed through the skin and guided by computerized tomography (CT) imaging technology into the area of concern. The needle can then be used to extract a tissue sample for further examination.

CT guided biopsy is usually well tolerated, but can cause some pain and discomfort. Pain management may include local anesthesia or epidural nerve block prior to the procedure to reduce any discomfort during the procedure.

  • More About CT Guided Biopsy

    Pain medications such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen may be prescribed following the biopsy to help relieve any pain and discomfort. In some cases, regional nerve blocks may be used to provide longer-term relief of the biopsy site.

    Overall, CT guided biopsy is a safe, effective way to diagnose or treat medical conditions that require tissue samples for testing. Pain management solutions are available to make the procedure more comfortable, and the tissue samples obtained can be used to provide valuable insights into a patient’s condition. 

Call us today to schedule your appointment at (405) 286-2060!

Occipital Treatment

In occipital treatment, the practitioner applies gentle manual pressure to the muscles around the base of the skull and around the neck area. 

  • More about occipital Treatment

    Occipital treatment is a popular and effective solution for relieving chronic pain in the neck and head area. Pain can be caused by a variety of issues, including whiplash, repetitive strain injuries, pinched nerves, or muscle spasms.
    The pressure helps to release tension, reduce inflammation, and promote the flow of blood in this area. The practitioner can also massage other parts of the body that may be in pain, such as the shoulder or upper back muscles. 
    Pain relief is usually quick and long-lasting. It is safe to use occipital treatment on a regular basis to maintain pain relief and reduce the chance of any recurring issues. 
    Occipital treatment is an excellent choice for those who are seeking natural, non-invasive solutions for their chronic neck or head pain. 


Supraorbital Treatment

Supraorbital treatment is a minimally invasive, non-surgical technique used to treat pain in the head, face and neck. This method of treatment works by targeting the supraorbital nerves located at the sides of each eye. 

  • More about SUPRAORBITAL Treatment

    Pain relief can be achieved through stimulation or blocking of these nerves. The process is done using a needle, electrical pulse or anesthetic injection, depending on the severity of the patient’s condition. Pain relief is reported to last up to 6 months and can be repeated safely if necessary.

    Supraorbital treatment has been increasingly popular due to its minimally invasive nature and effectiveness in providing long-term pain relief. Pain reduction typically begins within a few days, with full relief achieved within 1-2 weeks. 

    In addition to providing relief from chronic pain conditions such as cluster headaches and trigeminal neuralgia, this procedure can also be used to treat acute pain caused by recent injuries or trauma.


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Sphenopalatine Treatment

The treatment works by numbing the nerves responsible for transmitting pain signals from the head to other parts of the body.

  • More about Sphenopalatine Treatment

    Sphenopalatine Treatment is a minimally invasive pain solution that has shown promise in treating chronic headaches and facial pain. In this procedure, anesthetic or steroid medication is delivered through the nasal cavity to help alleviate the symptoms of these conditions.
    Sphenopalatine Treatment is a safe and effective way to reduce pain. Patients can benefit from this procedure with minimal side effects, such as nosebleeds, soreness in the nasal area, or temporary numbness of the tongue. It is an outpatient procedure and it only takes about 10 minutes for most patients.



Interventional Headache Management

 It involves the use of minimally invasive procedures and other specialized treatments that can target the source of a person's headache pain, providing lasting relief with minimal risk. 

  • More about Interventional Headache Management

    Interventional headache management is an evidence-based approach to pain relief for those who suffer from chronic or recurrent headaches.
    Pain solutions such as nerve blocks, trigger point injections, and neuromodulation can be used to reduce inflammation, relax muscles, and help restore normal nerve function. These treatments work together to provide relief from headache pain while also reducing the need for long-term medications.

    Interventional headache management is often a complementary approach to traditional medical therapies and can provide added relief and improved quality of life for those suffering from chronic or recurrent headaches. 

    By targeting the source of the pain, this type of therapy can help reduce or even eliminate the need for long-term medications.


Call us today to schedule your appointment at (405) 286-2060!

Intradiscal Therapy

Intradiscal Therapy (IDT) is an innovative pain therapy that can provide effective and lasting relief from chronic back pain. It involves using a specialized procedure to inject therapeutic agents directly into the affected disc to reduce inflammation and promote healing. This treatment option has been proven helpful for many individuals with degenerative disc disease, herniated discs, bulging discs, and other painful conditions.
IDT is a minimally invasive procedure that is performed in the doctor’s office under fluoroscopic guidance. The injection itself can be done quickly, lasting about 10 minutes to administer, and does not require any hospitalization or lengthy recovery time. Pain relief may be felt immediately after the procedure, or gradually over time.

Intradiscal Therapy in Oklahoma


● Degenerative Disc Disease

Nerve pain solutions


● Herniated Disc● Neck Pain● Nerve Pain● Radiculopathy


● Lumbar Spinal Stenosis● Sciatica

Epidural Injection

Epidural injections are an important tool in pain management, offering patients a solution to reduce or eliminate chronic back and neck pain.
The procedure involves injecting medication into the epidural space of your spine, delivering targeted relief where it's needed most. This quick procedure has been used for decades to provide effective pain relief from severe and debilitating conditions like herniated discs and degenerative disc disease.
Additionally, epidural injections can be used to reduce inflammation, providing relief from sciatica and other painful conditions. Pain management physicians rely on epidural injections to provide their patients with a safe and effective way to manage chronic pain.
The injection allows for targeted delivery of a combination of steroids and anesthetic medications that reduce inflammation, relax muscles, decrease nerve irritation and block pain signals from traveling to the brain.

Most patients are able to experience significant relief after just one epidural injection. Pain may be reduced for a few days or even up to several weeks, depending on the severity of the condition being treated.

Selective Nerve Root Block

Selective Nerve Root Block (SNRB) is a pain management procedure used to diagnose and treat certain types of spinal pain. It targets the specific nerve root that is causing the pain by injecting a local anesthetic or medication into the affected area. This can provide either short-term or long-term relief from the affected area, depending on the case.

Pain solutions such as SNRB are minimally invasive, meaning they have fewer risks and complications than traditional open surgery. SNRB has been found to be especially useful for treating conditions like sciatica, radiculopathy, and disc herniation. The procedure itself takes about 15 minutes and patients should be able to return home shortly after it is complete.

Radiculopathy treatment oklahoma


● Herniated Disc● Nerve Pain● Radiculopathy

Chronic headache treatment


● Interventional Headaches (Chronic Headaches)● Joint Pain


● Muscle & Joint Pain

Intra-Articular Joint Injection

Intra-articular joint injections are a type of treatment aimed at reducing pain and inflammation in one or more joints. The injection is composed of corticosteroids, which are anti-inflammatory drugs, and a local anesthetic to provide pain relief.
When administered directly into the affected joint, these medications can be very effective for relieving symptoms associated with conditions such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis, gout and tendinitis.
The procedure takes place in a doctor’s office and usually involves numbing the skin around the area being injected with a local anesthetic before administering the medication itself. Pain from the injection should be minimal since most of it will be blocked by the anesthetic.
Pain relief can be felt anywhere between a few hours to several days after the injection is given, depending on the severity of the condition and other factors.

Call us today to schedule your appointment at (405) 286-2060!

Additional Head & Neck Treatments

Peripheral Nerve Blocks

Peripheral nerve blocks are a type of pain relief solution used to block the transmission of pain signals from peripheral nerves. The procedure involves injecting an anesthetic or steroid medication around the affected nerve, providing immediate and long-lasting relief from chronic pain. 

  • More about peripheral nerve blocks

    Pain relief typically lasts between four to eight hours per injection, but may be prolonged depending on the type of medication used. Peripheral nerve blocks have been found to be safe and effective in treating chronic pain from many sources, including sports injuries, arthritis, sciatica, post-surgical pain, and fibromyalgia. 
    The procedure is minimally invasive and typically performed with local or general anesthesia. 



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Peripheral Nerve Stimulation Treatment, or PNS, is a type of pain relief therapy that can be used to treat chronic pain conditions. This treatment involves stimulating the peripheral nerves in order to block the transmission of pain signals from reaching the brain. Pain solutions that use this technique have been found to be effective in reducing pain levels and improving quality of life for those suffering from chronic pain.

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Sympathetic Nerve Block

A Sympathetic Nerve Block is a procedure used for pain solutions. The nerves that are responsible for transmitting pain signals from the body parts to the brain can be blocked with a Sympathetic nerve block. This technique involves injecting a local anesthetic medication into certain areas of the nervous system, such as the spinal cord or sympathetic ganglia, which are clusters of nerves in the abdomen and chest.

  • More about Sympathetic Nerve Block

    By blocking these areas, it prevents the transmission of pain signals to the brain. This can dramatically reduce or eliminate chronic pain caused by conditions such as fibromyalgia, herniated discs, shingles, cancer, spinal stenosis and many other medical issues. Sympathetic nerve blocks have been used to help provide relief from chronic pain for many years, and are a safe and effective treatment option.

    Sympathetic nerve blocks can be done on an outpatient basis, usually with the patient awake, though general anesthesia is available. Depending on the condition being treated, multiple injections may be needed for lasting relief.

    Pain relief typically begins within a few minutes of the injection, though it may take several hours for full effects to be felt. Pain relief can last anywhere from weeks to months after the procedure is performed. 


    ● Neck Pain


C2 Dorsal Root Ganglion (DRG)

C2 Dorsal Root Ganglion (DRG) is a group of nerve cells located near the spine. It plays an important role in Pain perception and Pain solutions. DRG has unique features that make it ideal for Pain management. It is made up of small diameter nerves that allow Pain signals to be transmitted quickly and accurately. Additionally, DRG is located close to Pain-sensitive structures in the spine, making it an ideal Pain treatment target. 

  • More about C2 Dorsal Root Ganglion (DRG)

    Furthermore, its small size allows for Pain solutions to be targeted directly at the source of Pain, allowing for more effective Pain relief. By targeting Pain signals from DRG with targeted Pain solutions, patients can achieve greater levels of Pain relief. Thus, C2 DRG is an important Pain treatment target for Pain management and Pain solutions.

    C2 DRG has been successfully used in Pain management treatments to provide targeted Pain relief. It can be used both surgically and non-surgically to provide Pain relief. For example, C2 DRG stimulation can be used to provide Pain relief in patients suffering from chronic Pain conditions. Additionally, C2 DRG stimulation can be used as an adjunct Pain solution for Pain management of acute Pain. Thus, C2 DRG provides a safe and effective Pain management solution for Pain sufferers.


Call us today to schedule your appointment at (405) 286-2060!



● Neck Pain

Stellate is a revolutionary pain solution that helps to manage and reduce chronic pain. Utilizing advanced technology, Stellate provides immediate relief from the sensations of pain and discomfort associated with chronic conditions such as fibromyalgia, back pain, and sciatica. 
It's unique design combines electrical stimulation and heat therapy to reduce inflammation and increase circulation, providing relief from pain and soreness.

  • More About Stellate

    Stellate is a safe, non-invasive alternative to medications, injections or surgery for chronic pain sufferers. With its easy-to-use design and convenient portability, Stellate is the perfect solution for people looking to manage their chronic pain without resorting to more invasive treatments.

Medial Branch Block


● Cervicogenic Headache● Neck Pain


● Spinal Arthritis

Medial branch block is a type of pain solution used to reduce discomfort in the facet joints. It involves injecting anesthetic and/or steroid medications into the medial branches, which are nerves that transmit pain signals from the facet joints. The medication blocks the transmission of those pain signals, reducing or eliminating the patient’s discomfort. 
This procedure is often used to diagnose certain pain syndromes and can be repeated and adjusted as necessary. 

  • More About Medial Branch Block

    Medial branch block is a safe, effective solution for patients who suffer from chronic facet joint pain. The procedure typically takes about 15 minutes and can provide relief for up to several months. 
    It is important to note that while this procedure may bring short-term relief, it is not a long-term solution for chronic pain. Patients who are considering this procedure should consult their doctor to determine if it is the best option for them.

Spine Myelogram (CT or MR based)


● Spinal Fluid Leak

A Spine Myelogram is a medical imaging procedure that provides specific information about the spinal cord, its surrounding structures and the space inside the vertebral column. It involves injecting contrast dye into the subarachnoid space to help visualize areas of compression or damage on imaging scans such as CT or MR.

Spine Myelogram is most commonly used to diagnose the cause of pain, such as a herniated disc or spinal tumor. The procedure can also be used to identify any narrowing of the spinal canal that may be causing pressure on the nerves.

Epidural Blood/Fibrin Glue Patch


● Spinal Fluid Leak● Interventional Headaches (Chronic Headaches)

The Epidural Blood/Fibrin Glue Patch is a minimally invasive technique used to reduce pain in the spine. It involves the injection of a fibrin glue, made from autologous blood and thrombin, into an epidural space around nerve roots affected by spinal disorders such as herniated discs or degenerative disc disease.

This patch seals the epidural space, helping to reduce inflammation and protect nerve tissue from further damage. Pain relief is usually achieved quickly with minimal side effects and a shorter recovery time than traditional treatments. 

  • More About Epidural Blood/Fibrin Glue Patch

    This technique can be used in combination with other pain management solutions such as physical therapy or medications. The Epidural Blood/Fibrin Glue Patch is a promising option for those seeking relief from chronic spinal pain. It may be the perfect solution for those looking to reduce their pain and improve their quality of life.

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