Leg Conditions Treatments





Radiofrequency Ablation

Radiofrequency ablation is a minimally invasive procedure used to reduce pain and improve mobility by delivering electrical energy through a needle-like electrode to precisely target specific nerves. This procedure can be used as a solution for chronic pain conditions such as lower back or neck pain, nerve damage, arthritis, and fibromyalgia.

By delivering a burst of electrical energy, the nerve is ablated or destroyed in the affected area. Pain signals from the nerves are no longer able to reach the brain and the sensation of pain is relieved. The results are usually long-term, with some patients reporting relief for up to several years after their treatment.

  • More About Radiofrequency Ablation

    RFA is a safe and effective procedure with minimal risk of side effects. The procedure is typically done under local anesthesia, so patients experience little to no pain or discomfort during treatment. Patients usually experience temporary relief within hours after the procedure and long-term relief within a few weeks.

Spinal Cord Stimulator

A spinal cord stimulator (SCS) is a device used to treat chronic pain. It sends electrical signals to the brain, which can disrupt and reduce pain signals sent from the body. SCS may be an effective pain solution for those who have not responded well to other treatments, such as surgery or medications.
It is implanted through a small incision in the back and connected to electrodes that are placed near the spinal cord. SCS can be used to treat a variety of pain conditions, including chronic back or neck pain, nerve damage, failed back surgery syndrome, and even complex regional pain syndrome. 

  • More About Spinal Cord Stimulator

    The implantation of an SCS requires careful planning and attention to detail. Patients are typically evaluated by a team of doctors that includes an interventional pain management doctor, neurosurgeon, and neurologist. This process helps ensure that the patient is a good candidate for SCS and it will be successful in reducing their pain.

Intrathecal Pump Placement


● Degenerative Disc Disease

Intrathecal Pump Placement is a minimally invasive procedure that is used to deliver medication directly into the cerebrospinal fluid surrounding the spinal cord for long-term pain management. This type of therapy offers many advantages over traditional oral or injectable methods, and has become increasingly popular as an effective way to manage chronic pain conditions.

The procedure involves surgically implanting a pump into the abdomen, which is then connected to a catheter that threads through the spinal canal and delivers medication directly to the affected area. 

  • More About Intrathecal Pump Placement

    This targeted approach allows for more precise dosing of drugs than traditional methods, and can provide lasting relief from chronic pain. Intrathecal Pump Placement also offers the added benefit of reducing opioid use, as well as reducing potential side effects associated with long-term medication use.

    The procedure is typically performed under general anesthesia and takes about an hour to complete. Pain relief can vary depending on the severity of the condition being treated, but most people report significant improvements in their symptoms after a few weeks.

    If you are looking for solutions to improve your quality of life and manage chronic pain conditions, consult with us today.



● Lumbar Spinal Stenosis


● Interventional Headaches (Chronic Headaches)

Trigger Point Injections are a popular form of physical therapy used to provide pain relief. These injections utilize a specific concentration of anesthetics and corticosteroids which is injected into areas of the body that are experiencing muscle tenderness, tightness, or spasms caused by trigger points.

Trigger points are small knots in the fascia, a type of connective tissue, that can cause pain and dysfunction to other areas of the body. By injecting a solution into these trigger points, it helps to break up adhesions in the fascia while also reducing inflammation and relaxing muscle tension. This can provide much needed relief from chronic or acute pain that may be caused by various activities such as sports-related injuries, overuse syndromes, or degenerative joint and muscular diseases. 

  • More About Vertiflex

    Pain solutions such as Trigger Point Injections may also be useful for treating chronic headaches, neck pain, back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and other musculoskeletal conditions. Ultimately, Trigger Point Injections provide an effective form of pain management to help individuals achieve their desired level of physical function and activity.

Call us today to schedule your appointment at (405) 286-2060!

Selective Nerve Root Block

Selective Nerve Root Block (SNRB) is a pain management procedure used to diagnose and treat certain types of spinal pain. It targets the specific nerve root that is causing the pain by injecting a local anesthetic or medication into the affected area. This can provide either short-term or long-term relief from the affected area, depending on the case.

Pain solutions such as SNRB are minimally invasive, meaning they have fewer risks and complications than traditional open surgery. SNRB has been found to be especially useful for treating conditions like sciatica, radiculopathy, and disc herniation. The procedure itself takes about 15 minutes and patients should be able to return home shortly after it is complete.

Nerve pain treatment near me


● Herniated Disc● Nerve Pain● Radiculopathy

Sciatica pain treatment


● Herniated Disc● Lumbar Spinal Stenosis● Sciatica● Nerve Pain● Radiculopathy


● Neck Pain

Epidural Injection

Epidural injections are an important tool in pain management, offering patients a solution to reduce or eliminate chronic back and neck pain.
The procedure involves injecting medication into the epidural space of your spine, delivering targeted relief where it's needed most. This quick procedure has been used for decades to provide effective pain relief from severe and debilitating conditions like herniated discs and degenerative disc disease.
Additionally, epidural injections can be used to reduce inflammation, providing relief from sciatica and other painful conditions. Pain management physicians rely on epidural injections to provide their patients with a safe and effective way to manage chronic pain.
The injection allows for targeted delivery of a combination of steroids and anesthetic medications that reduce inflammation, relax muscles, decrease nerve irritation and block pain signals from traveling to the brain.

Most patients are able to experience significant relief after just one epidural injection. Pain may be reduced for a few days or even up to several weeks, depending on the severity of the condition being treated.

Hip Injection

Hip injection treatment is a type of minimally invasive procedure used to provide pain relief and improve the function of the hip joint. 
Pain relief can be achieved by injecting various medications into the joint, such as corticosteroids or hyaluronic acid. 
These treatments may be recommended if other non-invasive treatments, such as physical therapy, have not been successful in treating hip pain. The goal of the injection is to reduce inflammation and swelling around the joint, providing relief from pain and increasing mobility in the area.

Hip Injection in Oklahoma


● Hip Pain

Knee Injection treatment


● Knee Pain

Knee Injection

Knee injection treatments offer an effective solution for people suffering from chronic knee pain. Pain management specialists use a variety of injectable medications to reduce inflammation, relieve swelling and provide long-term relief.
Depending on what is causing the pain, different solutions may be available including steroid injections, hyaluronic acid injections or biologic agents.
Pain doctors can determine the best type of injection for a patient's specific condition.

Call us today to schedule your appointment at (405) 286-2060!

Additional Leg Treatments

Peripheral Nerve Blocks

Peripheral nerve blocks are a type of pain relief solution used to block the transmission of pain signals from peripheral nerves. The procedure involves injecting an anesthetic or steroid medication around the affected nerve, providing immediate and long-lasting relief from chronic pain. 

  • More about peripheral nerve blocks

    Pain relief typically lasts between four to eight hours per injection, but may be prolonged depending on the type of medication used. Peripheral nerve blocks have been found to be safe and effective in treating chronic pain from many sources, including sports injuries, arthritis, sciatica, post-surgical pain, and fibromyalgia. 
    The procedure is minimally invasive and typically performed with local or general anesthesia. 



Miscellaneous 105 final


Peripheral Nerve Stimulation Treatment, or PNS, is a type of pain relief therapy that can be used to treat chronic pain conditions. This treatment involves stimulating the peripheral nerves in order to block the transmission of pain signals from reaching the brain. Pain solutions that use this technique have been found to be effective in reducing pain levels and improving quality of life for those suffering from chronic pain.

Medical & Healthcare Vol.1

Interspinous Spacer/Fusion

Interspinous Spacer/Fusion is a minimally invasive surgical procedure used to treat chronic lower back pain. It’s designed to reduce pressure on the nerves in the spine. This procedure can provide lasting relief for those who suffer from debilitating pain due to degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, and sciatica.

  • More about Interspinous Spacer/Fusion

    It’s a viable option for those who have not responded to traditional pain relief solutions such as physical therapy and medications.

    During the procedure, surgeons insert an interspinous spacer between two adjacent spinous processes of the spine. This device helps to keep the nerves in the spine from being compressed, thus providing relief from chronic pain. Additionally, the spacer can also provide stabilization which may be beneficial for those with unstable spinal segments.

    The surgeon may choose to fuse certain vertebrae together using instrumentation such as rods and screws. This procedure is done when stabilization of the spine is needed in order to relieve pain. 


MILD Procedure

The MILD Procedure is a safe, non-invasive procedure that provides lasting pain solutions. It uses an innovative technology called radiofrequency ablation (RFA) to target and treat damaged nerves in the body. The procedure is able to selectively block or reduce the nerve signals that transmit painful sensations, providing long lasting relief for chronic pain conditions. 

  • More about MILD Procedure

    This in turn allows patients to improve their daily quality of life. The procedure is minimally-invasive and typically takes less than an hour, with results lasting up to 18 months or longer. In addition, the MILD Procedure has a very low complication rate and no long-term side effects have been reported so far.

    It is important to note that the MILD Procedure is not suitable for everyone and a physician should be consulted prior to undergoing this treatment. The procedure is also used in combination with other treatments such as physical therapy, medications and lifestyle changes to maximize pain relief. 


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